Search code examples

Adding a new element HERE where the code is, not after another element

Made some BBcode for phpBB to allow users to post flickr pics with certain tags. Each photo div in the thread needs to be unique, and the images load when the thread is loaded.

When it comes to the unique DIV, I'm stuck for a way to insert the uniquely named element into the DOM at the point the BBcode is inserted, THEN load the pics. And it appears I can't use PHP in BBcode, nor the templating tags - if I could easily make a unique photo element from the post ID and the flickr tag I'd be laughing. Oh, and I can't touch the template. It's all got to be within BBcode. So, here's how I make a unique ID:

 var flickrUser = "{URL}".split("/")[4];   
 var tag = "{URL}".split("/")[6];
 var photoDIV = flickrUser + "-" + "tag";

Or...there's an element called with a unique post ID just above I could possibly use:

<div id="p61789" class="post bg2">

I tried

var postnumber=$(this).closest('div[class^="post"]').attr('id');

but it always seemed to return the FIRST matching div on the page, not the NEAREST to the point of the BBcode. This element is two "divs" below

<div class = "content">

and below the user posting area there is:

<div id="sig61789" class="signature">

So where I'm completely stuck is navigating to prev() or closest() or parent() or indeed anywhere from the point where I am without having a $(this) link to reference.

So shouldn't something like:

$(this).prev('content').html('<ul class="thumbs" id=photoDIV></ul>');

or even

$(this).html('<ul class="thumbs" id=photoDIV></ul>');

work? Everytime I think I understand jquery it all goes hazy again...

EDIT: More detail added for Pointy:

<div id="p63167" class="post bg2 online">
  <div class="inner">
    <span class="corners-top">
    <div class="postbody">
      <ul class="profile-icons">
        <li class="edit-icon">
          <a href="posting.php" title="Edit post">
            <span>Edit post</span>
        <li class="delete-icon">
          <a href="posting.php" title="Delete post">
            <span>Delete post</span>
        <li class="report-icon">
          <a href="report.php" title="Report this post">
            <span>Report this post</span>
        <li class="info-icon">
          <a href="mcp.php" title="Information">
        <li class="quote-icon">
          <a href="posting.php" title="Reply with quote">
            <span>Reply with quote</span>
      <h3 class="first">
        <a href="#p63167">Re: Testing new bbcode - ignore</a>
      <p class="author">
      <a href="viewtopic.php">
        <img src="" alt="Post" title="Post" />
        <a href="memberlist.php">xxx</a>
      </strong>» 13 Jun 2011 14:33</p>
      <div class="content">
        <ul class="thumbs" id="photoDIV">
        <a rel="colorbox" href="{{image}}" title="{{title}}">'+'
        <img src="{{image_m}}" alt="{{title}}" />'+'</a>'+'</li>'},function(data){$('#cbox
        <ul id="cbox" class="thumbs"></ul>
      <div id="sig63167" class="signature"></div>


  • the problem is you're assuming that the this context when you're executing within the script block is the script block itself, which is incorrect. If there is no context explicitly given, then your context is the window DOM element. Is there any reason you can't move this code to the page level, and initialize all the posts at page load?

    $(function() {
        $('.post').each(function(i,item) {
            console.log(this); //Post DOM element. 
            //execute your flick retrieval code here.