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python: (calling all experts out there to help) how do i write a chatbot which can commands and execute a python function?

i was going through chatterbot, NLTK libraries writeups but i just could not find a way where i provide an english like command and the response can be a python function.

For example: i could say "Get me all sales numbers for August in the Delhi", it should pick words from it and do a dataframe query to fetch me the data. and similar intelligence.

In summary, i will speak to data in english and it should convert into relevant dataframe command to get me the data.

any thoughts ?


  • Well one suggestion is to use NLP Linguistic Features

    For ease, i will be using spacy

     import spacy
     nlp = spacy.load('en_core_web_md')
     doc = nlp('Get me all sales numbers for August in the Delhi')
     for token in doc:


    | 'Word'  | 'DEPENDENY' | 'POS'  |
    |'Get'    |   'ROOT'    | 'AUX'  |
    |'me',    |  'dative'   | 'PRON' |
    |'all'    |   'det'     | 'DET'  |
    |'sales'  | 'compound'  | 'NOUN' |
    |'numbers'|   'dobj'    | 'NOUN' |
    |'for'    |   'prep'    | 'ADP'  |
    |'August' |   'pobj'    | 'PROPN'|
    |'in'     |   'prep'    | 'ADP'  |
    |'the'    |   'det'     | 'DET'  |
    |'Delhi'  |   'pobj'    | 'PROPN'|

    Here you can use these attributes extracted such as pos tagging and dependency to get your desired value e.g


    You can devise more NLP techniques such as entity recognition and based on that you can move further to create queries. This may take an in-depth thinking for logic formulation but u need to explore more and write some rules.