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Determine non-empty additional fields in a subclass

Assume I have a trait which looks something like this

trait MyTrait {
  val x: Option[String] = None
  val y: Option[String] = None

Post defining the trait I extend this trait to a class MyClass which looks something like this

case class MyClass(
  override val x: Option[String] = None, 
  override val y: Option[String] = None, 
  z: Option[String] = None
) extends MyTrait

Now I need to find if any other property other than the properties extended by MyTrait is not None. In the sense if I need to write a method which is called getClassInfo which returns true/false based upon the values present in the case class. In this case it should return true if z is Non optional. My getClassInfo goes something like this

def getClassInfo(myClass: MyClass): Boolean = {
    .filterNot(x => x.isInstanceOf[MyTrait])

Ideally this should filter out all the fields which are not a part of Mytrait and return me z in this case. I tried using variance, However It seems like isInstanceOf doesn't take the same

filterNot(x => x.isInstanceOf[+MyTrait])

However this cannot be possible

val a = getClassInfo(MyClass()) //Needs to return false
val b = getClassInfo(MyClass(Some("a"), Some("B"), Some("c"))) //returns true
val c = getClassInfo(MyClass(z = Some("z"))) //needs to return true
val d = getClassInfo(MyClass(x = Some("x"), y = Some("y"))) // needs to return false


  • If you really need reflection you can try

    import scala.reflect.runtime.currentMirror
    import scala.reflect.runtime.universe._
    def getClassInfo(myClass: MyClass): Boolean = {
      def fields[A: TypeTag] = typeOf[A].members.collect {
        case m: MethodSymbol if m.isGetter && m.isPublic => m
      val mtFields = fields[MyTrait]
      val mcFields = fields[MyClass]
      val mtFieldNames =
      val mcNotMtFields = mcFields.filterNot(f => mtFieldNames.contains(
      val instanceMirror = currentMirror.reflect(myClass)
      val mcNotMtFieldValues = => instanceMirror.reflectField(f).get)
    val a = getClassInfo(MyClass()) //false
    val b = getClassInfo(MyClass(Some("a"), Some("B"), Some("c"))) //true
    val c = getClassInfo(MyClass(z = Some("z"))) //true
    val d = getClassInfo(MyClass(x = Some("x"), y = Some("y")))//false