I'm trying to change the Vuex state by splicing the state.todos array, changing the one Object in array with another One that is given in my component / through the mutations
this is my Vuex state
`state: {
todos: [
title: "First Title",
desc: [
name: "First description",
completed: false,
editing: false
id: 0,
completed: false,
show: false
title: "Second Title",
desc: [
name: "Second description",
completed: false,
editing: false
name: "Third Description ",
editing: false,
completed: false
id: 1,
completed: false,
show: false
this is mutation from Vuex
finalSaving(state, index, obj) {
state.todos.splice(index, 1, obj);
import { mapState, mapMutations } from "vuex";
import deepClone from "clone-deep-js";
export default {
data() {
return {
routeId: this.$route.params.id,
editObj: { title: "", desc: [], id: null },
The problematic method:
methods: {
finalSave() {
this.finalSaving(this.routeId, this.editObj);
mounted() {
this.editObj = deepClone(this.todos[this.routeId]);
computed: {
This mutation works just fine: (Vuex)
agree(state, index) {
state.todos.splice(index, 1);
Vue component method:
yes(index) {
methods accept only one argument. You can use an object with multiple properties as an argument and then de-structure it in the Vuex store.
Change this
methods: {
finalSave() {
this.finalSaving(this.routeId, this.editObj);
methods: {
finalSave() {
this.finalSaving({routeId: this.routeId, objectToBeEdited: this.editObj});
Then in the Vuex file
finalSaving(state, payload) {
state.todos.splice(payload.routeId, 1, payload.objectToBeEdited);