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INSERT ON CONFLICT DO UPDATE using pg-promise helpers for multi row insert/update

I am trying to insert multiple rows to pgsql database using pg-promise. In my case, few records, which I am trying to insert, may exist already in the table. In such case, I need to update them. By going through the pg-promise official documentaion, I found multiple rows can either be inserted or updated using helpers. Is there any way to do like below but for multiple inserts/updates?

INSERT INTO table_name(column_list) 
ON CONFLICT target action;


  • Create your static variables somewhere:

    const cs = new pgp.helpers.ColumnSet(['first', 'second', 'third', 'fourth'], 
                                          {table: 'my-table'});
    // let's assume columns 'first' and 'second' produce conflict when exist:
    const onConflict = ' ON CONFLICT(first, second) DO UPDATE SET ' +
        cs.assignColumns({from: 'EXCLUDED', skip: ['first', 'second']});

    In the example below we assume your data is an array of valid objects:

    const upsert = pgp.helpers.insert(data, cs) + onConflict; // generates upsert
    await db.none(upsert); // executes the query:


    If you want all SQL generated in upper case rather than low case, you can set option capSQL:

    const pgp = require('pg-promise')({
      capSQL: true

    And the best way to see what's generated and executed is with the help of pg-monitor.