<div v-bind:class="divClass">
I use a computed property to apply the class:
computed: {
divClass() {
return this.$store.state.lineData.data.length > 0
? ".customcol .triggered"
: ".customcol";
The classes are styled here:
<style scoped>
.customcol {
width: 100% !important;
transition: width 0.3s ease;
.customcol .triggered {
width: 75% !important;
I can see that the classes are applied in the console, but element.style { }
is just empty and the div does not have a width of 100%. What am I doing wrong?
I believe it should be:
? "customcol triggered"
: "customcol";
No prefix dots.
The dots are used to signify a class within a selector, they aren't part of the class name itself.
You're also going to have problems with this selector:
.customcol .triggered {
width: 75% !important;
This matches .triggered
as a descendent of .customcol
, whereas you have both classes on the same element. You'll need to remove the space from the selector, .customcol.triggered