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React FirebaseError DocumentReference.set()

Please can someone help me. I think the way I am handling the promise is wrong and really need someone to help me.

I am letting the user upload a picture . When the user presses submit the image is uploaded to firebase-storage. However I don't think I am handling the wait period to upload the image and setting the data to firebase-database. What I mean is when I press submit I get the error FireBase Function DocumentReference.set() called with invalid data Because it is setting the image to undefined

However if I wait a couple of seconds I get the console.log("File available at" + downloadUrl) which means the image was uploaded.

Basically I just need to add a waiting period to my code between when the image is uploaded and when to send the data to the firebase-database

This is my code any help will be much appreciated !!!!!

const uploadImage = async (uri, imageName) => {
    const response = await fetch(uri)
    const blob = await response.blob()
    var ref =`images/${imageName}`)

        // Upload completed successfully, now we can get the download URL
        var storageRef ='images/' + imageName)
        console.log(`File available at ${downloadUrl}`)
    .catch(error => {
        setRefreshing(false) // false isRefreshing flag for disable pull to refresh
        Alert.alert("An error occured", "Please try again later")

const handleSubmit = useCallback(() => {
    if (postImage !== undefined) {
        const fileExtention = postImage[0].split('.').pop()
        const fileName = `${uniqid}.${fileExtention}`
        uploadImage(postImage, fileName)
            id: currentUser,
            name: postName[0],
            image: downloadImage,

Thank you in advance for all your help!!!!!


  • To use await inside useCallback you can try to wrap the code inside it in a self invoking function like this:

    const handleSubmit = useCallback(() => {
       (async () =>{ if (postImage !== undefined) {
            const fileExtention = postImage[0].split('.').pop()
            const fileName = `${uniqid}.${fileExtention}`
            uploadImage(postImage, fileName)
            await firebase.firestore()
                id: currentUser,
                name: postName[0],
                image: downloadImage,