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VBA excel Reference Userform as variable to get data

I have a few days on this problem. i am using excel VBA to fill in a Word Doc. I have multiple Userforms that contains textBoxes, ComboBoxes etc. in order to keep code small and not to create the same module over and over i need to change only the FormName

this code is working to fill in the Word Doc

wDoc.SelectContentControlsByTitle("#MonthBox").Item(1).Range.Text = Request_Form_1.MonthBox.Value

but i want to use variable to reference the Userform in a module but i get all types of errors

Dim FormName As String
FormName = "Request_Form_1"
wDoc.SelectContentControlsByTitle("#MonthBox").Item(1).Range.Text = FormName.MonthBox.Value

Kind regards

Thank you for your support What i had tried and is not working

  1. Tried UserForms(NumeForma) MsgBox UserForms(NumeForma).LunaBox.Value the form is visible but i get error 13 type mismatch
  2. Tried to insert a module that include ShowAnyForm() call MsgBox ShowAnyForm(NumeForma).LunaBox.Value error "Expected Function or variable"
  3. Change in module ShowAnyForm() from Sub to Function using MsgBox ShowAnyForm(NumeForma).LunaBox.Value error 424 object required


  • Everything just in front or after a dot (like FormName.) can't be (easy) replaced by a variable as it's an object or a member (but you can CallByName it!).

    Variables have to be passed as argument to a parameter, but as many objects are accessible by a collection, that's the way we usually go.

    Loaded userforms can be found in the UserForms collection. But they can only be accessed by their item index (0 to UserForms.Count() -1), not their name. So you need sth. like:

    'code by
    For Each Obj In VBA.UserForms
         If StrComp(FormName, Obj.Name, vbTextCompare) = 0 Then ' If Obj.Name matches FormName loop is exited and Obj contains the UserForm reference of FormName.
             Exit For
         End If
    Next Obj

    to get an loaded userform reference. Samplecode is availible at Show Any Form.

    Your code should look like:

    wDoc.SelectContentControlsByTitle("#MonthBox").Item(1).Range.Text = ControlValueByName(FormName:=FormName, ControlName:="MonthBox", _
            ProcName:="Value", CallType:=vbGet)

    I add a function to return UserForm reference for a given FormName:

    'Code inspired by
    Public Function UserFormByName(ByVal FormName As String) As UserForm
    Dim Obj As Variant
    For Each Obj In VBA.UserForms
        If StrComp(FormName, Obj.Name, vbTextCompare) = 0 Then
            Exit For
        End If
    Next Obj
    If Obj Is Nothing Then ' UserForm not loaded
        Set Obj = VBA.UserForms.Add(FormName)
        If Err.Number <> 0 Then
            MsgBox "Error Calling Form: " & FormName
            Exit Function
        End If
    End If
    Set UserFormByName = Obj
    End Function

    Now you can use:

    wDoc.SelectContentControlsByTitle("#MonthBox").Item(1).Range.Text = UserFormByName(FormName).MonthBox.Value

    Things get easier if you call a method from the userform, as you can simply pass the reference to it. See OP's answer

    On form:

    Private Sub InregistreazaButtonActive2_Click()
        ToWord Me
    End Sub

    In module:

    Sub ToWord(ByRef Caller As UserForm)
        MsgBox Caller.AnBox.Value
    End Sub

    Instead of the forms reference, you can pass the listbox reference, that contains the form reference too, as it is a child object the form, so form is ListBox.Parent.

    Private Sub InregistreazaButtonActive2_Click()
        ToWord Me.AnBox
    End Sub
    Sub ToWord(ByRef CallerListBox As ListBox)
        MsgBox CallerListBox.Value
        Debug.Print CallerListBox.Parent.Name ' shows form name of listbox 
    End Sub

    By passing references you don't have to worry about multiple instances (that woud have same name) as each instance has its own reference.