template<typename T>
void print(T& t)
std::cout << t << std::endl;
template<typename ... Args>
class Container
Container(Args&& ... args)
: values_(std::forward<Args>(args)...)
template<int INDEX>
typename std::tuple_element<INDEX, std::tuple<Args...> >::type& get()
return std::get<INDEX>(values_);
void display()
// (obviously) does not compile !
std::tuple<Args ...> values_;
The above code show the intent but is incorrect (where commented), because the function "print" requires a template.
Would there be a way to call the (suitably templated) print function to each element of the tuple values_ ?
run the code : https://onlinegdb.com/SJ78rEibD
You need to unpack the tuple into apply
like this:
void display()
std::apply([](auto ...ts) { (..., print(ts)); },values_);
Here's a demo.
Note that this solution uses a fold-expression to make the syntax easier.