Hello I want to Extract the username and Password value with one preg_match_all
I get wiht this explode where i want but i know is more effect with preg_match_all can you show me how.?
$url_ext = parse_url($url);
$username=explode ("&",explode("=",$url_ext['query'])[1]);
$password=explode ("&",explode("=",$url_ext['query'])[2]);
I try with this code but not working
It is better to use parse_url
and parse_str
like explained here.
But, if you really want a regex, this does the job:
preg_match_all('/(?<=[?&])([^&=\r\n]+)=([^&=\r\n]+)/', $url, $matches);
The parameter name is in group 1, the value in group 2