I am trying to convert characters like:
ë, ä, ï, ö, etc.
To normal characters like:
e, a, i, o, etc.
What is the best way to do this? I've tried many things, like preg_replace and str_replace.
Can someone help me out?
-- EDIT --
What I tried, was:
$ts = array("[À-Å]","Æ","Ç","[È-Ë]","/[Ì-Ï]/","/Ð/","/Ñ/","/[Ò-ÖØ]/","/×/","/[Ù-Ü]/","/[Ý-ß]/","/[à-å]/","/æ/","/ç/","/[è-ë]/","/[ì-ï]/","/ð/","/ñ/","/[ò-öø]/","/÷/","/[ù-ü]/","/[ý-ÿ]/");
$tn = array("A","AE","C","E","I","D","N","O","X","U","Y","a","ae","c","e","i","d","n","o","x","u","y");
$title = preg_replace($ts, $tn, $text);
try this .. works for me.
iconv('utf-8', 'ascii//TRANSLIT', $text);