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dbt jinja returning the results of a query

I am trying to model the following situation:

  • given some query, return multi-column result-set (e.g. run_query or db_utils.get_query_results_as_dict

  • iterate over in a case/statment

for exmaple:

{% set conditions = dbt_utils.get_query_results_as_dict("select comment, criteria from " 
~ ref('the_model') %}

select case
{% for condition in conditions %}
when {{ condition["criteria"] }}
then {{ condition["comment"] }}
{% endfor %}

Have not been able to get this to work, any guidance appreciated.

Some ideas I tried:

  • get_column_values x2 and zipping them into a new list of tuples. zip not recognised
  • get the count(*) from the_model then trying to iterate over the range - ran into issues with types
  • various for conditions {% for k, v in conditions.items() %}


  • Was able to self resolve with the following:

    {% set conditions = dbt_utils.get_query_results_as_dict("select criteria, comment from " ~ ref('reference_data') ~ " order by sequence desc") %}
    with main as (
        select * from {{ ref('my_other_model') }}
    -- [NEEDS_REVIEW] there's probably a cleaner way to do this iteration - however it's interpolated result. Could do with the zip function.
    comments as (
                {# {{- log(conditions, info=True) -}} #}
                {%- for comment in conditions.COMMENT -%}
                when {{ conditions.CRITERIA[loop.index0] }}
                then '{{ comment }}'
                {% endfor %}
            end as comment
            from main
    select * from comments

    The gotchas:

    • this was on snowflake, so the keys returned by the function will be up-cased as that is how I loaded the data.
    • Using the loop.index0 to get the current iteration of the loop and index into the other collection of tuples (in this case CRITERIA).
    • i added a SEQUENCE key to my reference data just to ensure consistent rendering by using that to order. The criteria do overlap a-little bit so this was important.