I am trying to model the following situation:
given some query, return multi-column result-set (e.g. run_query
or db_utils.get_query_results_as_dict
iterate over in a case/statment
for exmaple:
{% set conditions = dbt_utils.get_query_results_as_dict("select comment, criteria from "
~ ref('the_model') %}
select case
{% for condition in conditions %}
when {{ condition["criteria"] }}
then {{ condition["comment"] }}
{% endfor %}
Have not been able to get this to work, any guidance appreciated.
Some ideas I tried:
zip not recognised
then trying to iterate over the range - ran into issues with typesfor
conditions {% for k, v in conditions.items() %}
Was able to self resolve with the following:
{% set conditions = dbt_utils.get_query_results_as_dict("select criteria, comment from " ~ ref('reference_data') ~ " order by sequence desc") %}
with main as (
select * from {{ ref('my_other_model') }}
-- [NEEDS_REVIEW] there's probably a cleaner way to do this iteration - however it's interpolated result. Could do with the zip function.
comments as (
{# {{- log(conditions, info=True) -}} #}
{%- for comment in conditions.COMMENT -%}
when {{ conditions.CRITERIA[loop.index0] }}
then '{{ comment }}'
{% endfor %}
end as comment
from main
select * from comments
The gotchas:
to get the current iteration of the loop and index into the other collection of tuples (in this case CRITERIA
key to my reference data just to ensure consistent rendering by using that to order. The criteria do overlap a-little bit so this was important.