I want to manually compile Java-Code with javac. I'm using multiple Images loaded with getClass().getClassLoader().getResource("...")
If I run my Code in an IDE everything works fine. But when I'm trying to compile with javac no Resources are loaded. Is there a way to specify the Folder which contains all my Resources? I already tried --add-module
but this didn't work either.
My command for compiling looks like the following: javac -d ./out main/ai/*.java main/logic/*.java main/gui/*.java main/network/*.java && java -classpath ./out logic.Launcher
The solution was to just include the path to my Resource Folder in the classpath. I just had to add -classpath path/to/my/res
So my working command looks like this: javac -d ./out main/ai/*.java main/logic/*.java main/gui/*.java main/network/*.java && java -classpath ./out:./res logic.Launcher