I have been working on this and have looked at other posts on StackOverflow but they did not answer my questions. This is a unique and specific question. How can I get then currentapple variable to successfully pass into the function? Right now I get undefined src errors. I'm doing web automation with puppeteer and node.js.
var currentapple = 2;
console.log(currentapple+" hi1");
var appleurl= await page.evaluate(async (currentapple) => {
console.log(currentapple+" hi2");
var appleelement = await document.getElementsByClassName('ta');
var appleurl = await appleelement[currentapple].src;
//var gotourl = window.location.href = appleurl;
//return appleurl;
return await JSON.stringify(appleurl);
UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Error: Evaluation failed: TypeError: Cannot read property 'src' of undefined
You must supply the variable as additional parameter for page.evaluate:
var currentapple = 2;
var imageurl = await page.evaluate(async (currentapple) => {
console.log(currentapple+" hi2");
}, currentapple);