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React app deployed to GitHub giving me a minified error #152

I am having a problem with my React application. I am trying to deploy the website to GitHub pages but I am getting this error:

Error: "Minified React error #152; visit[]=u for the full message or use the non-minified dev environment for full errors and additional helpful warnings."

The error is telling me to use the non-minified development environment, but I cannot figure out how to do this.

Here is a link to my GitHub repository if you would like to check!

GitHub repository

I am not sure how to solve this since this is the first time I try to deploy a website. I tried installing some dependencies like Webpack, Babel, and Parcel to bundle my files into a readable JavaScript file, but my guess is that something is not being translated properly, meaning that there might be a syntax error somewhere in my code.

When running the Webpack dependency I did get a series of errors, that is why I installed some other libraries and loaders:

Error on Terminal

Error terminal


  • I removed the comments as suggested, but ended up using gh-pages instead of deploying via a docs directory on github, so it worked in the end. I have deployed other apps after that with comments and they work just fine.

    So if you ever run into this, try gh-pages instead