From some sample VBA code I attempted to modify, I am aiming to learn Excel using VBA and hoping for guidance to align Pictures horizontally such as 5 pictures in one row then below a new row begins and repeat. For now I am using a hard value of 5, just to have it occur once though the results aren't what I expected. Here are two steps of the problem
I considered needing an additional counter to keep track of so the Macro will know when to introduce a new row.
Sub pictureCode()
'Automatically space and align shapes
Dim shp As Shape
Dim counter As Long
Dim dTop As Double
Dim dLeft As Double
Dim dHeight As Double
Const dSPACE As Double = 50
'Set variables
counter = 1
'Loop through selected shapes
For Each shp In Selection.ShapeRange
With shp
'If not first shape then move it below previous shape and align left.
If counter = 5 Then
.Top = dTop
.Left = dLeft + dWidth + dSPACE
.Top = dTop + dHeight + dSPACE
.Left = dLeft
End If
'Store properties of shape for use in moving next shape in the collection.
dTop = .Top
dLeft = .Left
dHeight = .Height
End With
'Add to shape counter
counter = counter + 1
Next shp
End Sub
Try the next code, please, It aligns shapes using the row reference (Top
and Left
Sub testAlignShapes()
Dim sh As Worksheet, s As Shape, i As Long, colAlign As Long, startRow As Long
Dim dWidth As Double, dSpace As Double, rngAlign As Range, iRows As Long, nrShLine As Long
Set sh = ActiveSheet
colAlign = 9 'column number to align the shapes
startRow = 2 ' starting row
nrShLine = 3 'how many shapes on the same row
iRows = 3 ' after how many rows will start the following shapes row
For Each s In sh.Shapes
Set rngAlign = sh.cells(startRow, colAlign)
i = i + 1
If i <= nrShLine Then = s.left = rngAlign.left + dWidth + dSpace
dWidth = dWidth + s.width: dSpace = dSpace + 10
If i = 3 Then i = 0: dWidth = 0: dSpace = 0: startRow = startRow + iRows
End If
End Sub