I have a shared library that accept parameters i setup to compress files into a tar. The jenkinspipline looks like this.
compress_files("arg1", "arg2")
The shared library compress_file looks like this
#!/usr/bin/env groovy
// Process any number of arguments.
def call(String... args) {
sh label: 'Create Directory to store tar files.', returnStdout: true,
script: """ mkdir -p "$WORKSPACE/${env.PROJECT_NAME}" """
args.each {
sh label: 'Creating project directory.', returnStdout: true,
script: """ mkdir -p "$WORKSPACE/${env.PROJECT_NAME}" """
sh label: 'Coping contents to project directory.', returnStdout: true,
script: """ cp -rv ${it} "$WORKSPACE/${env.PROJECT_NAME}/." """
sh label: 'Compressing project directory to a tar file.', returnStdout: true,
script: """ tar -czf "${env.PROJECT_NAME}.tar.gz" "${env.PROJECT_NAME}" """
sh label: 'Remove the Project directory..', returnStdout: true,
script: """ rm -rf "$WORKSPACE/${env.PROJECT_NAME}" """
New requirement is to use an array instead of updating the argument values. How or can we pass an arrayname in the jenkinsfile stage
Yes it’s possible, from Jenkinsfile you can define the array inside stage() or outside stage() and make that use of, like
In declarative pipeline :
def files = ["arg1", "arg2"] as String[]
pipeline {
agent any
stages {
stage("Package") {
steps {
// script is optional
script {
// you can manipulate the variable value of files here
In scripted pipeline:
node() {
//You can define the value here as well
// def files = ["arg1", "arg2"] as String[]
def files = ["arg1", "arg2"] as String[]
And in the shared library, the method will be like
// var/compress_files.groovy
def call(String[] args) {
args.each {
// retrive the value from ${it} and proceed with your logic
def call(String... args) {
args.each {
// retrive the value from ${it} and proceed with your logic