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Execute extra functionality when selecting an external context menu in Eclipse plugin

I'm creating an Eclipse plugin where I want to add some pre and post processing tasks that need to be executed automatically when a context menu is executed, this context menu is provided by a third-party plugin so it is not possible for me to modify it, does Eclipse have a mechanism that I can use to intercept the call to a context menu to execute some tasks before and after the actual context menu is executed?


  • It seems that with EventManager, as mentioned in my comments to the question, it's not working any longer.

    I created a NewProject...Plugin-Project → ... → Template: Menu contribution using 4.x API and adapted HelloWorldHandler:

      public void execute( @Named( IServiceConstants.ACTIVE_SHELL ) final Shell s ) {
        //MessageDialog.openInformation(s, "E4 Information Dialog", "Hello world from a pure Eclipse 4 plug-in");
        final IWorkbenchWindow window = PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getActiveWorkbenchWindow();
        if ( window instanceof WorkbenchWindow ) {
          final MenuManager menu = ( (WorkbenchWindow) window ).getMenuManager();
          final Set<IContributionItem> result = new HashSet<>();
          collectContributions( menu, result );

              .filter( ci -> ci.getId().equals( "about" ) )
              .forEach( ci -> {
                final IAction a = ( (ActionContributionItem) ci ).getAction();
                System.out.println( a.getDescription() );
                // The method addListenerObject(Object) from the type EventManager is not visible
              } );
      private void collectContributions( final MenuManager menu, final Set<IContributionItem> result ) {
        final IContributionItem[] items = menu.getItems();
        for ( final IContributionItem item2 : items ) {
          IContributionItem item = item2;
          if ( item instanceof SubContributionItem )
            item = ( (SubContributionItem) item ).getInnerItem();
          if ( item instanceof MenuManager )
            collectContributions( (MenuManager) item, result );
          else if ( item instanceof ActionContributionItem && item.isEnabled() )
            result.add( item );


    About Eclipse Platform

    So, I can get an Action by its ID but contrary to the doc of Action and contrary to the source displayed with F3 in Eclipse (EventManagerAbstractActionAction) it doesn't expose EventManagers methods ("The method addListenerObject(Object) from the type EventManager is not visible"). Probably since the doc of the latter reads:

    Warning: Do not use this class! Use ListenerList directly. See bug 486067.

    AFAICS if the supplier of the third-party plugin doesn't use this ListenerList and offer a addListener() in his plugin we're out of luck.