like normal math, I tried to log this code in the console and I expected to get the value true
but what I got was false
however when I tried to log console.log(12>11&&11>=10)
I got true
so for the last time, I tried console.log( (12>11&&11>=10) == (12>11>=10) )
and i got flase
why in javascript (12>11&&11>=10) does not equal to (12>11>=10) ?!
and I hope anyone can help
Because programming language syntax and human intuition are two very different things. At no point will the language "know what you mean", you have to be completely explicit and unambigous.
What you have here are two operations. One using the >
operator and one using the >=
operator. Operations are atomic things. One will happen, then the other.
So this:
12 > 11
Results in this:
And then this:
true >= 10
Results in this:
Use less intuition and more logic. Separate your two operations:
12 > 11
11 >= 10
And combine them logically:
(12 > 11) && (11 >= 10)
Which will evaluate to:
true && true
Which will evaluate to: