I am getting the date
from backend like this [2020, 8, 5, 13, 29, 43, 780000000]
(this is UTC date).
I have to compare this date from current UTC to get the relative time.
In this example current UTC was :- 2020-08-05T15:59:52.514Z
The expected relative time was 2h 30 mins. I am not sure why the actual response from Moment JS is 16 hrs.
const timeInUTC = moment.utc(date)
const currentTimeInUTC = moment.utc(new Date().toISOString())
The problem was in the format. The date which was input to moment was in array format, while I was calculating current time in UTC in "UTC format".
After making sure both have the same format fixed the issue.
const dateInUTCFormat = new Date(
Date.UTC(date.value[0], date.value[1] - 1, date.value[2], date.value[3], date.value[4], date.value[5])
const timeInUTC = moment(dateInUTCFormat)
const currentTimeInUTC = moment.utc()