vertx.setPeriodic(1000, id -> {
//api call
if (count == 4){
Now the problem is I don't want a fix 1000 ms time, I just want to call the api 4 times and then go with final api response for further processing , please help.
One way is to use a recursive approach.
Therefore you can implement something like this as an convenient entrypoint
private Future<YourResultType> callApiNTimes(final int repetitions) {
final Promise<YourResultType> p = Promise.promise();
recursiveApiCalls(p, 0, repetitions);
return p.future();
Recursion implemented as following
private void recursiveApiCalls(final Promise<YourResultType> p, final int counter, final int maxRepetitions) {
yourRawApiCall().onComplete(reply -> {
if (reply.failed()) {;
if (counter < maxRepetitions) {
recursiveApiCalls(p, counter + 1, maxRepetitions);
At the end implement yourRawApiCall
and then use it like this
callApiNTimes(4).onComplete(reply -> {
if (reply.failed()) {
// Something went wrong, do your error handling..
final YourResultType result = reply.result();
// Do something with your result..
Antoher approach would be to put your API calls as Futures in a list and execute this list in parallel with CompositeFuture.all, CompositeFuture.join, .. instead of one after another.