I'm having issues trying to split a String whith semicolon :
String is :
dsnSalarie;e3f5c7c0-5f5e-4579-a262-3fd87aafe1e4; ;S21.G00.30.008;e3f5c7c0-5f5e-4579-a262-3fd87aafe1e4;;;
The bolted semicolon is a token and must not be considered as a delimiter, so I've tried to change the delimite for a String like "<;>" :
dsnSalarie<;>e3f5c7c0-5f5e-4579-a262-3fd87aafe1e4<;> <;>S21.G00.30.008<;>e3f5c7c0-5f5e-4579-a262-3fd87aafe1e4<;>;<;>
With StringUtils.split or with StringTokenizer I can't get that semicolon, even when using "StringUtils.splitPreserveAllTokens"
The only work around that i found is by surrounder the semicolon whith space, and them trim it when splited :
dsnSalarie<;>e3f5c7c0-5f5e-4579-a262-3fd87aafe1e4<;> <;>S21.G00.30.008<;>e3f5c7c0-5f5e-4579-a262-3fd87aafe1e4<;> ; <;>
Thanks for your ideas.
I am not quite sure I understand, but the following code:
public class Test {
public static void main(String[] args) {
String test="dsnSalarie<;>e3f5c7c0-5f5e-4579-a262-3fd87aafe1e4<;> <;>S21.G00.30.008<;>e3f5c7c0-5f5e-4579-a262-3fd87aafe1e4<;>;<;>";
String[] split = test.split("<;>");
for (String string : split) {
A tokenizer is not able to differentiate between same characters, like the semicolon. If there is a semantic attached to the ; you need a proper parser like ANTLR to formulate your language which can infer higher order from the tokens.