I'm not sure is this is possible. I need to query QnAMaker for answers using a URL Parameter and return the result on the Virtual Assistant chat window (e.g. https://BotFrameWorkURL.html?searchTerm=Password%20Reset.
If I'm understanding you correctly...if you're asking if you could use only the URL parameter and no request, body, then the answer would be "no". The API expects a POST request and to receive a payload body that contains at least the "question"
See QnA Maker documentation on the generate answer
API here.
URL Format: https://{QnA-Maker-endpoint}/knowledgebases/{knowledge-base-ID}/generateAnswer
JSON body example:
"question": "How much wood would a woodchuck chuk?"
"question": "qna maker and luis",
"top": 6,
"isTest": true,
"scoreThreshold": 30,
"rankerType": "" // values: QuestionOnly
"strictFilters": [
"name": "category",
"value": "api"
"userId": "sd53lsY="