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How to implement RSA Encryption in C?

I'm trying to use asymmetric encryption in a C program, to encrypt strings.

I chose to go with RSA, but if there's a less complicated yet secure way, do tell me.

OpenSSL is one library I've looked at and found no documentation on implementing it in C code. (I may just have been unlucky, I've been looking for many days)

No luck on YouTube/Google either...

Please point me to a detailed source of information on how how to do this...

I understand both C and the fundamental concepts of RSA pretty well, but I have no idea how to:

  1. Generate the large primes needed to generate the keys.
  2. Fix e = 65537 .
  3. Generate the public / private keys in an alphanumeric format (they are actually numbers, arent they ?) .
  4. Seamlessly combine (e,n) in the public key and (d,n) in the private key in the way tools like OpenSSL seem to do (in an alphanumeric string) .


  • Here's an example of what you're looking to do. First a utility function to print OpenSSL error messages:

    void log_ssl_err(const char *mes)
        unsigned long err, found;
        char errstr[1000];
        found = 0;
        while ((err = ERR_get_error())) {
            ERR_error_string(err, errstr);
            printf("%s: %s", mes, errstr);
            found = 1;
        if (!found) {
            printf("%s", mes);

    Generating a key with a given exponent:

    RSA *rsa;
    BIGNUM *e;
    uint32_t exponent_bin, exponent_num;
    exponent_num = 65537;
    exponent_bin = htonl(exponent);
    e = BN_bin2bn((const unsigned char *)&exponent_bin, 4, NULL);
    if (e == NULL) {
        log_ssl_err("BN_bin2bn failed for e");
    if ((rsa = RSA_new()) == NULL) {
        log_ssl_err("RSA_new failed");
    if (!RSA_generate_key_ex(rsa, 2048, e, NULL)) {
        log_ssl_err("couldn't generate rsa key");

    Encrypting and decrypting:

    unsigned char plaintext[] = "this is the plaintext";
    unsigned char *ciphertext, *decrypted;
    int cipher_len, decrypted_len;
    ciphertext = malloc(RSA_size(rsa));
    if ((cipher_len = RSA_public_encrypt(strlen(plaintext), plaintext, ciphertext, 
                                        rsa, RSA_PKCS1_OAEP_PADDING)) == -1) {
        log_ssl_err("RSA_public_encrypt failed");
    decrypted = malloc(RSA_size(rsa));
    if ((decrypted_len = RSA_private_decrypt(cipher_len, ciphertext, decrypted, 
                                             rsa, RSA_PKCS1_OAEP_PADDING)) == -1) {
        log_ssl_err("RSA_private_decrypt failed");
        return 0;

    The documentation for OpenSSL can be difficult to navigate, but the information you need can be found in the man pages. If you run man 3 rsa you'll see a list of all the RSA related functions. From there you can look at the man page for each function.