I want to append the suffix -LOCAL
to my artifact version only when I publish to mavenLocal()
using the plugin maven-publish
so that when I want to add it to my dependencies of my other project,
I can add the dependency like this:
dependencies {
implementation("my.group", "my-jar", "1.0.0-LOCAL")
The solution that I tried is by concatenating the string at the `publishing
publishing {
publications {
create<MavenPublication>("maven") {
artifacts {
artifact(tasks["sourcesJar"]) {
version += "LOCAL"
artifact(tasks["javadocJar"]) {
version += "LOCAL"
artifact(tasks["remapJar"]) {
version += "LOCAL"
repositories {
maven(url = "some url") { name = "E" }
But, the change is not dynamic, this will change the version name when I publish to other repository too (probably, I have not tried it yet). I only want to change this only when publishing locally.
How do I go about solving this problem?
you should have 2 publishing artefacts and then conditional publish .. see https://docs.gradle.org/current/userguide/publishing_customization.html
publishing {
publications {
mavenLocal(MavenPublication) {
version += "-LOCAL"
from components.java
maven(MavenPublication) {
from components.java
repositories {
maven {
url = uri("$buildDir/repos/releases")
maven {
url = uri("$buildDir/repos/snaps")
tasks.withType(PublishToMavenRepository) {
onlyIf {
publication == publishing.publications.maven
tasks.withType(PublishToMavenLocal) {
onlyIf {
publication == publishing.publications.mavenLocal