I need to Group a Kendo Grid for every Month data. i am getting date in ISO format as given below.
This is the column binding and data source grouping
column binding.
columns.Bound(z => z.MonthDisplay).Title("").Hidden(true).Format("{0:MMMM yyyy}");
data source binding with grouping
.DataSource(dataSource => dataSource
.Group(groups => groups.AddDescending(t => t.MonthDisplay))
.Read(read => read.Action("AllData", "Common"))
The grouping is working properly. But my problem is the group heading is not formatting in MMMM yyyy format. It is showing as Month: 2020-03-02T00:00:00. I need to display header as Month: March 2020
I found the solution for this. I added a GroupHeaderTemplate as given below:
.columns.Bound(z => z.MonthDisplay).Title("").Hidden(true).ClientGroupHeaderTemplate("#= kendo.toString(kendo.parseDate(value.split('T')[0]), 'MMMM yyyy') #");