I created a web-component in which I declared method which creates a copyright string:
'<p>Copyright © 2020 Krzysztof Kaczyński<a href="https://www.google.com">. Policy terms</a></p>'
Then I am converting this string into HTMLParagraphElement
and append to footer
When I open web browser I do not see any errors and I can see my copyright element.
If I inspect this element it also looks correct but if I click <a>
part of this element nothing happens (but it should redirect to https://www.google.com
<a href="https://www.google.com">. Policy terms</a>
doesn't redirect to https://www.google.com after click ?export class AppFooter extends KKWebComponent implements KKAppFooter {
public static TAG: string = `${CONSTANTS.TAG_PREFIX}-app-footer`;
public readonly shadowRoot!: ShadowRoot;
private footer!: HTMLElement;
constructor() {
protected getElementsReferences(): void {
this.footer = <HTMLElement>this.shadowRoot.querySelector('footer');
public setCopyright({ year, author, termsReferenceUrl }: CopyrightProps): void {
const copyrightText: string = AppFooter.formattedCopyrights`Copyright © ${year} ${author}. Policy terms${termsReferenceUrl}`;
this.footer.appendChild(new StringElementConverter().toElement(copyrightText));
private static formattedCopyrights(strings: TemplateStringsArray, ...values: string[]): string {
const policyTermsUrlText: string = `<a href="${values[values.length - 1]}">${strings[strings.length - 2]}</a>`;
let formattedText: string = '<p>';
for (let i = 0; i < values.length - 1; i++) {
formattedText += `${strings[i]}${values[i]}`;
formattedText += `${policyTermsUrlText}</p>`;
return formattedText;
class StringElementConverter {
constructor() {
this.domParser = new DOMParser();
toElement(xmlString) {
const parsedString = this.domParser.parseFromString(xmlString, 'text/xml').firstElementChild;
if (parsedString == null) {
throw new Error(`This xml string ${xmlString} is not parsable to Node`);
return parsedString;
const template = `
<slot name="prepend"></slot>
<slot name="center"></slot>
<slot name="append"></slot>
class AppFooter extends HTMLElement {
constructor() {
this.attachShadow({ mode: 'open' });
this.shadowRoot.innerHTML = template;
year: '2020',
author: 'Krzysztof Kaczyński',
termsReferenceUrl: 'https://www.google.com',
getElementsReferences() {
this.footer = this.shadowRoot.querySelector('footer');
setCopyright({ year, author, termsReferenceUrl }) {
const copyrightText = this.formattedCopyrights`Copyright © ${year} ${author}. Policy terms${termsReferenceUrl}`;
this.footer.appendChild(new StringElementConverter().toElement(copyrightText));
formattedCopyrights(strings, ...values) {
const policyTermsUrlText = `<a href="${values[values.length - 1]}">${strings[strings.length - 2]}</a>`;
let formattedText = '<p>';
for (let i = 0; i < values.length - 1; i++) {
formattedText += `${strings[i]}${values[i]}`;
formattedText += `${policyTermsUrlText}</p>`;
return formattedText;
customElements.define('kk-app-footer', AppFooter);
If you need anything else let me know in comments
this.domParser.parseFromString(xmlString, 'text/xml')
You're not parsing your content as the right content type. You want:
this.domParser.parseFromString(xmlString, 'text/html')
I'm guessing that when you parse the content as XML instead of HTML, the browser doesn't think that <a>
has any special meaning.
Working example:
class StringElementConverter {
constructor() {
this.domParser = new DOMParser();
toElement(xmlString) {
const parsedString = this.domParser.parseFromString(xmlString, 'text/html').firstElementChild;
if (parsedString == null) {
throw new Error(`This xml string ${xmlString} is not parsable to Node`);
return parsedString;
const template = `
<slot name="prepend"></slot>
<slot name="center"></slot>
<slot name="append"></slot>
class AppFooter extends HTMLElement {
constructor() {
this.attachShadow({ mode: 'open' });
this.shadowRoot.innerHTML = template;
year: '2020',
author: 'Krzysztof Kaczyński',
termsReferenceUrl: 'https://www.google.com',
getElementsReferences() {
this.footer = this.shadowRoot.querySelector('footer');
setCopyright({ year, author, termsReferenceUrl }) {
const copyrightText = this.formattedCopyrights`Copyright © ${year} ${author}. Policy terms${termsReferenceUrl}`;
this.footer.appendChild(new StringElementConverter().toElement(copyrightText));
formattedCopyrights(strings, ...values) {
const policyTermsUrlText = `<a href="${values[values.length - 1]}">${strings[strings.length - 2]}</a>`;
let formattedText = '<p>';
for (let i = 0; i < values.length - 1; i++) {
formattedText += `${strings[i]}${values[i]}`;
formattedText += `${policyTermsUrlText}</p>`;
return formattedText;
customElements.define('kk-app-footer', AppFooter);