So I'm Making a meme generator and the user has the option to enter an image link OR upload a local file from storage.
Here is my html for link/local storage upload.
<div class="Main_Grid_Item Link_Upload_Div">
<form action="/" method="POST">
<p>Enter Image Link:</p>
<input class="Image_Input" type="text" name="Link_Url" placeholder="Image Link"><br>
<button class="Image_Submit" type="submit" name="button">Submit Image</button>
<div class="Main_Grid_Item File_Upload_Div">
<p>Upload Image:</p>
<input id = "UploadOutput" class = "Upload_Output" type="text" placeholder="Image Name After Upload" readonly><br>
<label for="ImgStorage" class="Image_Upload_Label">Upload Image</label>
<input type='file' id="ImgStorage" />
And for specifically file uploading this is my javascript which was mostly copied from this stack thread: Javascript image upload and display
function readURL(input) {
//if picture exists then create a new FileReader
if (input.files && input.files[0]) {
var reader = new FileReader();
//the image with specified id gets url
reader.onload = function (e) {
//reads picture
} }
Just to clarify that entering a link/uploading an images DOES WORK both ways and the image is shown properly on screen. The problem that I'm facing is when taking a "screenshot" with html 2 canvas.
This is my javascript code for taking a screenshot with html2canvas
//takes screenshot of Meme with overlay
$("#Save_Meme_Button").on("click", memeScreenShot);
function memeScreenShot() {
html2canvas(document.querySelector(".Main_Image_Div")).then((canvas) => {
This code essentially takes a "screenshot" of the image and then shows it below the website. The problem is that when I upload an image with a url, "screenshotting" the image will sometimes produce a blank image.
However if I go to the image-url, download the image on local storage, and then use the other option to upload an image from local storage, the image is saved sucessfully instead of showing a blank image.
Is there any reason why a blank screenshot of the image sometimes happens when uploaded by link compared to being uploaded by local storage? I looked a bit on the docs about something about a tainted canvas but I'm not sure if thats the problem because I get no errors in the console when uploading/saving an image :,-Because%20the%20pixels&text=As%20soon%20as%20you%20draw,an%20exception%20to%20be%20thrown.
I am getting a cors error when the image is uploaded blank when I enable the option to useCors. I think this is why the link option is not working and the local storage is working enter image description here
Code that displays image
<div id = "MainImageDiv" class="Main_Image_Div">
<% if(typeof imgUrl !== 'undefined'){ %>
<img id="blah" src=<%= imgUrl %> class="Main_Image" /></img>
<% } else{ %>
<img id="blah" src="/images/stonks.png" class="Main_Image" /></img>
<% } %>
<p id="TopTextPar" class="Top_Text"></p>
<p id="BottomTextPar" class="Bottom_Text"></p>
Ok so I managed to solve my problem. It's essentially a copy of the solution on this thread : html <img src=...> works but JS Image loading cause CORS error.
What I essentially did was take the image url the user entered and rendered it onto a seperate canvas.
And I enabled cors with this I got a (cors enabled?) data url out of this and then all I had to do is append an image with the image src as the data url I received.
Here's my solved code :
// Changes image based on link
//makes the previous meme dissapear and gets the url of the inputted link
const imgUrl = $("#ImageInput").val();
function loadImgAsBase64(url, callback) {
//creates camvas amd image element + allows cors + loads image
let canvas = document.createElement('CANVAS');
let img = document.createElement('img');
img.setAttribute('crossorigin', 'anonymous');
img.src = '' + url;
img.onload = () => {
canvas.height = img.height;
canvas.width = img.width;
let context = canvas.getContext('2d');
context.drawImage(img, 0, 0);
let dataURL = canvas.toDataURL('image/png');
canvas = null;
loadImgAsBase64(imgUrl, (dataURL) => {
$("#MainImageDiv").append(`<img id="blah" class = "Main_Image Link_Meme"