I have the following JSON.
{"data": {
"statusCode": 200,
"success": true,
"technicalSettings": [{
"program": "C:/temp/abc.exe",
"actions": "9",
"file_name": "abc1",
"new_file_name": "newabc1",
"version": "",
"product_name": "abc",
"description": "abc",
"eventdate": "20160601120000",
"autoVoiceProfile": {
"autoVoices": [{
"autoVoiceLanguage": 0,
"autoVoiceMessage": [{
"name": "AV1",
"duration": "1.200000",
"checksum": "2d4c44d142bc0391b980b8a103ab35cc23d8f7820895cb6025cf3c829139336c",
"fileName": "/usr/g/db/user_autoVoiceMsg7.aifc",
"id": 4
}, {
"name": "AV1",
"duration": "0.600000",
"checksum": "9538cf287d178964dcb57a05b7acbc00e04c800a9aaed0b22f5433d9dc79d80c",
"fileName": "/usr/g/db/user_autoVoiceMsg8.aifc",
"id": 4
}, {
"name": "AV2",
"duration": "2.800000",
"checksum": "050acdb345e079da1371623c9727bc16d166db0a0b47687ff93d736ddf37cde8",
"fileName": "/usr/g/db/user_autoVoiceMsg9.aifc",
"id": 5
}, {
"name": "AV2",
"duration": "4.100000",
"checksum": "c5a6a39df38505c0c22b75d9ea7781a1755e9c8c9f435e08034f579361ba751c",
"fileName": "/usr/g/db/user_autoVoiceMsg10.aifc",
"id": 5
"messagesitefilename": null
}, {
"program": "C:/temp/abc.exe",
"actions": "9",
"file_name": "abc2",
"new_file_name": "newabc2",
"version": "",
"product_name": "abc",
"description": "abc",
"eventdate": "20160601120000",
"autoVoiceProfile": {
"autoVoices": [{
"autoVoiceLanguage": 0,
"autoVoiceMessage": [{
"name": "AV1",
"duration": "1.200000",
"checksum": "2d4c44d142bc0391b980b8a103ab35cc23d8f7820895cb6025cf3c829139336c",
"fileName": "/usr/g/db/user_autoVoiceMsg7.aifc",
"id": 4
}, {
"name": "AV1",
"duration": "0.600000",
"checksum": "9538cf287d178964dcb57a05b7acbc00e04c800a9aaed0b22f5433d9dc79d80c",
"fileName": "/usr/g/db/user_autoVoiceMsg8.aifc",
"id": 4
}, {
"name": "AV2",
"duration": "2.800000",
"checksum": "050acdb345e079da1371623c9727bc16d166db0a0b47687ff93d736ddf37cde8",
"fileName": "/usr/g/db/user_autoVoiceMsg9.aifc",
"id": 5
"messagesitefilename": null
"library": {
"version": 6,
"dmIdVersion": 5
"success": true,
"statusCode": 200,
"errorMessage": ""
Im using JSON Extractor to get the values of technicalSettings. The values are assigned to the variable pPublishTechSettings.
Now I want to access each data in the variable ${pPublishTechSettings_ALL}. There are two values from this JSON.
I used the variable like ${pPublishTechSettings_0}, ${pPublishTechSettings_1} to access the data. But is is working only for ${pPublishTechSettings_1} and which is giving me both the technicalSettings data.
How can I access individual technicalSettings data like ${pPublishTechSettings_0},${pPublishTechSettings_1}...in the BeanShell Sampler?
When I use this JSON in the online tool http://www.jsonquerytool.com/ and querying it like $..data..technicalSettings[0], $..data..technicalSettings1 I am getting the correct values.
Be aware that since JMeter 3.1 you should be using JSR223 Test Elements and Groovy language for scripting so I'll give you the Groovy option which would be something like:
def technicalSettings = new groovy.json.JsonSlurper().parseText(vars.get('pPublishTechSettings_ALL'))
technicalSettings.eachWithIndex { setting, index ->
log.info('Setting ' + index + ': ' + new groovy.json.JsonBuilder(setting).toString())
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