I need a scene in Unity that matches the real world.
This guy made all i want.
Is there any easy solution to solve this?
Thank You for Your Kindness ^o^
If you want an easy solution,
Get on a phone and go on the app store or google play store and find a 3D scanning app. Warning: older phones may not have the features that make 3d scanning possible.
Take a 3d scan of the room and export it to your computer. The 3d model might not look that good so I'd recommend getting a 3d modelling program like Blender. It will probably not look like what that guy made though.
You can try to 3d model everything from scratch like how the video probably did it but it will be timeconsuming.
If you want to replicate that video not only the 3d models:
Tracking the positions from the real world to virtual reality seems complex and hard. If you want an easy way, I'd recommend to fake it by using Unity Timeline to move the camera or somehow standing in the same place that you're scene starts when using VR.
Good Luck!