Given a format string, a counter variable for the number of specifiers and an array of the strings to be inputted, how could this be printed?
Here's an example:
char *format_str = "str(%s)ing(%s)";
int count = 2;
char **specs = { [0] = "rts", [1] = "gni" };
So, the list of strings aligns respectively with the ordering of specifiers. When printed, the end result would be:
Could a function be written to print such a string with any format string & any number of specifiers & respective arguments? I have tried to do this using strtok()
, vsprintf
, snprintf
etc, but I still cannot get it quite right.
EDIT: To clarify, format_str
contains count
number of specifiers and the array specs
contains count
number of strings. The proposed function would therefore should print count
number of strings into format_str
As others said there is no direct way of doing that. You can build your own function which dumps the values of strings at the correct format specifiers. Below function makes a temporary format string for each %s
and appends it to the earlier build string using snprintf()
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#define MAXBUF 4096
char *strmaker(char* format, int num_args, char** strings)
char* prnt = calloc(sizeof(char), MAXBUF);
int prnt_ct = 0;
char* tmp_fmt = malloc(strlen(format) + 1); // Prepare for the worst case (format == tmp_fmt).
int fmt_ct = 0;
/* Append the strings to the prnt buffer */
for (int i = 0; i < num_args; i++) {
char* s_loc = strstr(format + fmt_ct, "%s"); // Search the format-string for string specifier (%s)
if (s_loc == NULL)
return prnt;
int tmp_fmt_len = (int) (s_loc + 2 - format - fmt_ct); // +2 for %s
strncpy(tmp_fmt, format + fmt_ct, tmp_fmt_len); // Make tmp_fmt
tmp_fmt[tmp_fmt_len] = '\0';
fmt_ct = fmt_ct + tmp_fmt_len;
int p_return = snprintf(prnt + prnt_ct, MAXBUF - prnt_ct, tmp_fmt, strings[i]); // If no error, return the number characters printed excluding nul (man page)
if (p_return >= MAXBUF - prnt_ct) // If buffer overflows (man page)
return prnt;
prnt_ct = prnt_ct + p_return; // Update the index location.
return prnt;
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) // Pass format and arguments
if (argc <= 1)
return -1;
char *s = strmaker(argv[1], argc - 2, argv + 2);
printf("%s\n", s);
return 0;
Terminal Session:
$ ./a.out '%s %s %s' 1 2 3
1 2 3
$ ./a.out 'one %s two %s three %s' 1 2 3
one 1 two 2 three 3
$ ./a.out 'one %s two %s three' 1 2 3
one 1 two 2
$ ./a.out 'one %s two %s three %s' 1 2
one 1 two 2