I'm making a collision detection system in my project, and I need to detect collisions on a rotated texture.
To detect to collisions, 4 sf::FloatRect
objects are made around the main character texture (for detecting collision to the left, right, up and down), and a sf::FloatRect
is made using the position of a texture and it's dimentions. If one of the 4 sf::FloatRect
objects around the main texture intersect the other sf::FloatRect
, a collision is detected.
The problem comes when the texture on which I want to detect collision is rotated. The sf::FloatRect
does not rotate.
Is there a way to rotate it? Or is there a substitute for it in this situation? I looked through the online documentation for SFML and I couldn't find any way to rotate it.
RectangleShape collisionArea(Vector2f(pos[2], pos[3]));
collisionArea.setPosition(pos[0], pos[1]);
FloatRect box = collisionArea.getGlobalBounds();
FloatRect areaLeft(position.x - movementSpeed, position.y, movementSpeed, textureDimentions.y);
FloatRect areaRight(position.x + textureDimentions.x, position.y, movementSpeed, textureDimentions.y);
FloatRect areaUp(position.x, position.y - movementSpeed, textureDimentions.x, movementSpeed);
FloatRect areaDown(position.x, position.y + textureDimentions.y, textureDimentions.x, movementSpeed);
collidingMap[0] = true;
collidingMap[1] = true;
collidingMap[2] = true;
collidingMap[3] = true;
in SFML represents an AABB (AABB stands for Axis-Aligned Bounding Box). So no, it cannot rotate. What you need is OBB (Oriented Bounding Box) collision detection. You're gonna need to either
I found this after searching on the SFML forum. There may be better solutions than this but this is the first one I found.