Below is a code snippet in A-Frame that I am using. I wish to access and manipulate the maxCanvasWidth and maxCanvasHeight properties of the renderer component using conditional statements in Javascript. I can't figure out how to do it.
<a-scene renderer ="antialias: true;
colorManagement: true;`
sortObjects: true;
physicallyCorrectLights: true;
maxCanvasWidth: 1920;
maxCanvasHeight: 1920;"></a-scene>
Example pseudo code of what I wish to implement:
var update = document.queryselector('a-scene');
if(fps < 60){
update.maxCanvasWidth = 800;
update.maxCanvasHeight = 800; }
Actually, I was able to figure it out:
sceneEl = document.querySelector('a-scene');
sceneEl.maxCanvasSize = {height: , width: };