Need some brainstorming ideas, basically as you can see in the code when I click the title of the accordion the index gets passed of the title. The accordion closes due to the 'active' property in the class name. Now I want to implement a feature so that if you click an already opened accordion it will close. I tried multiple things but I have come to no solution.
Thanks in advance
const Accordion = ({ accordionInfo }) => {
const [open, setOpen] = useState(null);
const onTitleClick = (index) => {
const accordion =, index) => {
const active = open === index ? 'active' : false;
return (
<div key={info.title}>
<div className='ui styled accordion'>
className={`${active} title`}
onClick={() => onTitleClick(index)}>
<i className='dropdown icon'></i>
<div className={`${active} content`}>
return <div>{accordion}</div>;
I believe that setting open
as null
if index is same as open
should do what you need
Something like:
const onTitleClick = (index) => {
setOpen(index === open ? null : index);