Pardon my English.
I am trying to install Erlang 23 on a SUSE Linux Enterprise Server Version 12 Patch 3 which is not connected to Internet so I cannot use zypper or wget and have to install it manually using binary.
I get the below errors :
erlang-epmd is needed by erlang-23.0.2-1.2.x86_64
when installing erlang.erlang = 23.0.2 is needed by erlang-epmd-23.0.2-1.2.x86_64
when installing erlang-empd.How to resolve this circular dependency?
You can install codependent RPMs by putting them together in the same command, e.g.:
rpm -iv erlang-23.0.2-1.2.x86_64.rpm erlang-epmd-23.0.2-1.2.x86_64.rpm