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How to store subList operation on an ArrayList in another ArrayList in Kotlin?

I am using Kotlin REPL in IntelliJ Idea

I have an ArrayList.

val myArrayList: ArrayList<String?> = arrayListOf("pig", null, "cow", "chicken", "chicken", "duck", "turkey", "pig", null, null, "turkey", "pig")

the operation

myArrayList.subList(2, 3)

gives me the output:

res5: kotlin.collections.MutableList<kotlin.String?> = [cow]

But the operation

val myArraySubList: ArrayList<String?> = myArrayList.subList(2, 3)

gives me the error:

error: type mismatch: inferred type is MutableList<String?> but kotlin.collections.ArrayList<String?> /* = java.util.ArrayList<String?> */ was expected
val myArraySubList: ArrayList<String?> = myArrayList.subList(2, 3)

So, here how can I store the result of a subList operation on an ArrayList in another ArrayList?


  • ArrayList(myArrayList.subList(2, 3))

    using this constructor:

    <init>(elements: Collection<E>)

    Creates an ArrayList filled from the elements collection.

    But consider whether you actually need it: using ArrayList explicitly instead of MutableList is very rarely useful.