In my webpage (Eg Link1: http://localhost:8086/MyStrutsApp/ I have several links. When a user clicks on one of the links, he is taken to another page (Eg link2: http://localhost:8086/MyStrutsApp/AddBook.jsp) to fill an html form.
Now what I want to achieve is that when any user clicks on the link, that html form (Link2) is displayed on the same page (i.e. Link1).
I have no idea how to achieve this.
The AJAX way to achieve this is the following:
If you want to use Dojo, the HTML page would look like this:
<!-- main content -->
<div id="leftpanel">
<h3>This content will be replaced</h3>
You can <a href="#" onClick="updateFromURL('/MyStrutsApp/AddBook.jsp)">add a book</a>
The Javascript code would look like this:
<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
function display_wait(s) {
var mainPanel=dojo.byId("leftpanel");
mainPanel.innerHTML='<div class="waitingmsg">'+s+'</div>';
function updateFromURL(url) {
display_wait("loading content");
load:function(result) {
(As Rafa mentioned, you can use the same technique to display the new part in a dialog)