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JQuery equivalent of MooTools bind(this)

I'm trying to rewrite a Mootools tooltip class in JQuery using this class plugin. When my class is instantiated I'm attaching an event listener to a target link which will fade out the tooltip.

In event callbacks JQuery assigns the keyword "this" to the target of the event, so to keep a reference to the properties of the class I'm using apply() to set "this" to mean the class instance. This is apparently the counterpart in JQuery of Mootools' handy bind() function.

Unfortunately when I use apply() I lose the callback's event parameter. For example, in this bit I get an "e is undefined" error on the second line.'click', function(e){
    var tip = this.opts.tip;
    tip.fadeOut(500, function(){
        tip.bind('click', function(){
            showing = false;

Am I missing a trick here? Does anybody know a way around this issue?


  • TBH, the mootools .bind as you call it is just Function.bind in ES5 - and is available natively in browsers that support the js 1.8.5 + spec. MooTools just enhances browsers that don't have it yet but lets the native implementation remain on the prototype - if available.

    You can easily implement that as a a Function.prototype.bind decorator if not available natively and use it as the example above says:

    // Function.prototype.bind polyfill
    if ( !Function.prototype.bind ) {
      Function.prototype.bind = function( obj ) {
        if(typeof this !== 'function') // closest thing possible to the ECMAScript 5 internal IsCallable function
          throw new TypeError('Function.prototype.bind - what is trying to be bound is not callable');
        var slice = [].slice,
            args =, 1), 
            self = this, 
            nop = function () {}, 
            bound = function () {
              return self.apply( this instanceof nop ? this : ( obj || {} ), 
                                  args.concat( ) );    
        bound.prototype = this.prototype;
        return bound;

    As you can see, it's a little more involved than a simple .apply / .call

    One thing to consider is, if you NEED to use bind or if you can save a reference instead.


    var self = this;"click", function(e) {
        var tip = self.opts.tip;

    this has a smaller footprint than the function binding anyway. it also affords you a correct reference to this as the trigger element ( === this). you will find this pattern far more often in mootools-core than the bind one - though bind is often needed when you want to assign events to class methods, eg:

        click: this.showTip.bind(this),
        mouseleave: this.hideTip.bind(this)

    In this case, saving a reference won't work though you can rewrite it as

    var self = this;
        click: function(e) {

    A jQuery particular implementation is proxy -