Please help,
I need to extract a text from a long sentence
The text is as follows :
Current Balance: INR2,137,381.99 8/9/2020 Impaired normal
I would like to extract the amount from the above text and I used the regex
(?<=Current Balance:).+(?=/s)
And nothing getting..and I tried
(?<=Current Balance:).+(?=Impaired)
and showing result :
AED2,137,381.99 8/9/2020
So simply I want to note the text ending with space (the date is not static) , can anyone help on this?
/(?<=Current Balance:\s*)\S+/
See proof. It matches one or more non-whitespace characters after Current Balance
phrase, possibly followed with any amount of whitespace.
const string = "Current Balance: INR2,137,381.99 8/9/2020 Impaired normal";
const regex = /(?<=Current Balance:\s*)\S+/;
Or, use capturing mechanism:
/Current Balance:\s*(\S+)/
const string = "Current Balance: INR2,137,381.99 8/9/2020 Impaired normal";
const regex = /Current Balance:\s*(\S+)/;