How do I call a function from a Unity (XR Interaction Toolkit) script that's appended to a Ray Interactor? Precisely what I have is a GameObject made as an XR Ray Interactor and appended the XR Direct Interactor script. I want to call the function GetValidTargets from that script to see with what GameObject it targets. How do I call this function in another script? I already have the GameObject specified and tried different methods to implement it, for example GetComponent<>().
This is what the function says in the script so that comes after I call it.
/// Retrieve the list of interactables that this interactor could possibly interact with this frame.
/// This list is sorted by priority (in this case distance).
/// <param name="validTargets">Populated List of interactables that are valid for selection or hover.</param>
public override void GetValidTargets(List<XRBaseInteractable> validTargets)
How do I call this function?
Calling the function if you want to call the function, append the XRBaseInteractable component to every GameObject that you want to able to hover or interact with. Create a List (which are in the System.Collections.Generic namespace), add each XRBaseInteractable instance to it and pass it in to the GetValidTargets() function.
GameObject[] interactableObjects; // Set in inspector or somewhere in code
List<XRBaseInteractable> interactables = new List<XRBaseInteractable>();
foreach(GameObject interactableObject in interactableObjects)