Search code examples

Elixir: rename key in dictionary

I have following list of maps:

    code: "test",
    expired_at: ~U[2020-10-27 17:49:47Z],
    code: "test",
    expired_at: ~U[2021-07-30 13:54:11Z],

What is the most sophisticated way to rename key code to product_code for all map entities in the list?


  • Probably not "the most sophisticated way", but I think a nice way would be with pattern matching, using an anonymous function with a clause to match what you want to change, and one for everything else:

    iex> l = [
    ...>   %{
    ...>     code: "test",
    ...>     expired_at: ~U[2020-10-27 17:49:47Z],
    ...>   },
    ...>   %{
    ...>     code: "test",
    ...>     expired_at: ~U[2021-07-30 13:54:11Z],
    ...>   }
    ...> ]
      %{code: "test", expired_at: ~U[2020-10-27 17:49:47Z]},
      %{code: "test", expired_at: ~U[2021-07-30 13:54:11Z]}
    iex>, &, fn
    ...>   {:code, code} -> {:product_code, code}
    ...>   pair -> pair
    ...> end))
      %{expired_at: ~U[2020-10-27 17:49:47Z], product_code: "test"},
      %{expired_at: ~U[2021-07-30 13:54:11Z], product_code: "test"}

    Notice the use of which creates a Map from the given enumerable with the elements that result from applying the given function to the enumerable

    Or an alternative that might be more clear, without using like that or iterating over the maps' keys, could be using Map.delete/2 and Map.put/3:

    iex>, fn %{code: code} = element ->
    ...>   element
    ...>   |> Map.delete(:code)
    ...>   |> Map.put(:product_code, code)
    ...> end)
      %{expired_at: ~U[2020-10-27 17:49:47Z], product_code: "test"},
      %{expired_at: ~U[2021-07-30 13:54:11Z], product_code: "test"}