I have following list of maps:
code: "test",
expired_at: ~U[2020-10-27 17:49:47Z],
code: "test",
expired_at: ~U[2021-07-30 13:54:11Z],
What is the most sophisticated way to rename key code
to product_code
for all map entities in the list?
Probably not "the most sophisticated way", but I think a nice way would be with pattern matching, using an anonymous function with a clause to match what you want to change, and one for everything else:
iex> l = [
...> %{
...> code: "test",
...> expired_at: ~U[2020-10-27 17:49:47Z],
...> },
...> %{
...> code: "test",
...> expired_at: ~U[2021-07-30 13:54:11Z],
...> }
...> ]
%{code: "test", expired_at: ~U[2020-10-27 17:49:47Z]},
%{code: "test", expired_at: ~U[2021-07-30 13:54:11Z]}
iex> Enum.map(l, &Map.new(&1, fn
...> {:code, code} -> {:product_code, code}
...> pair -> pair
...> end))
%{expired_at: ~U[2020-10-27 17:49:47Z], product_code: "test"},
%{expired_at: ~U[2021-07-30 13:54:11Z], product_code: "test"}
Notice the use of
which creates a Map from the given enumerable with the elements that result from applying the given function to the enumerable
Or an alternative that might be more clear, without using Map.new/2
like that or iterating over the maps' keys, could be using Map.delete/2
and Map.put/3
iex> Enum.map(l, fn %{code: code} = element ->
...> element
...> |> Map.delete(:code)
...> |> Map.put(:product_code, code)
...> end)
%{expired_at: ~U[2020-10-27 17:49:47Z], product_code: "test"},
%{expired_at: ~U[2021-07-30 13:54:11Z], product_code: "test"}