import React , {useRef , useEffect} from 'react';
import D3Funnel from 'd3-funnel';
function RecruitmentFunnel() {
useEffect(() => {
var data = [
['Applicants', 267 , '#1e4684', '#1e4684'],
['Interviews', 134, '#1e4684'],
['Assessments', 48, '#1e4684'],
['Hired',26, '#1e4684']
var options = {
width : 200,
height : 400,
bottomWidth : 1/2,
bottomPinch : 0, // How many sections to pinch
isCurved : true, // Whether the funnel is curved
curveHeight : 10, // The curvature amount
fillType : "gradient", // Either "solid" or "gradient"
isInverted : false, // Whether the funnel is inverted
hoverEffects : true, // Whether the funnel has effects on hover
fontSize : '18px'
var funnel = new D3Funnel( data, options );
funnel.draw ( "#funnel" );
return <div id="funnel"></div>;
export default RecruitmentFunnel;
does not yet exist when you call for it. You will need to use a ref to find it. Example:
import { select } from "d3-selection";
constructor(props) {
this.ref = React.createRef();
render() {
funnel.draw( );
return <div ref = { this.ref } ></div>;