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Find Test Executions containing Tests in a certain Test Set

I'm trying to put together a JQL query within my Test Case Management project in X-Ray, but so far to no avail:

This is my scenario: I have a Test Set, ABC-100, with some Tests, ABC-101 to ABC-110.

I also have some test executions, ABC-120, and ABC-121, with different selections of tests between the ones mentioned before.

I need a query that, given a Test Set identifier, returns the Test Executions 'related' in some way to that Test Set (e.g., containing some of the Tests that are inside of that Test Set).

So far, I have found:

  • key in TestSetTests("ABC-100"), returns the Tests in the Test Set.
  • key in TestExecutionsTests("ABC-120") returns the Tests in the Test Execution.
  • key in testTestExecutions("ABC-105") returns the Test Executions that contain that Test.
  • key in testTestExecutions("ABC-100") returns an error for ABC-100 is not a Test, but a Test Set. This would be the output I would be hoping for.

Can anyone help me out on this?

Thank you in advance


  • First, just to clarify that Test Executions (and Test Plans) contain only (references to) Tests. TestSetPartiallyIn(<test_execs>) can return test sets that have some tests executed in the given test executions. But what you want is slightly different from this: you need the test executions that have tests part of a given test set. You have to perform this in two steps.

    1. build a saved filter (e.g. "my_tests_filter") to obtain the tests of a given test set.
    issue in testSetTests(CALC-123)
    1. use a JQL to obtain the test executions related, in part or fully, to those tests:
    issue in testTestExecutions('my_tests_filter')