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How to add a field from a file in logstash filter

I have a logstash pipeline with many filters, it ingests netflow data using the netflow module.

I would like to add one field to the output result. The name of the field being: "site"

Site is going to be a numeric value present in a file. How do I create the field from the file?


 mutate {
        id => "site"
        add_field => {
            "[flow][policy_violation]" => "false"
            "[flow][threat]" => "false"
            "[flow][site_id]" => //=======> read file /tmp/ and assign value 



/tmp/ contains:



  • You can leverage an environment variable in the Logstash configuration. First, export the variable before running Docker/Logstash:

    export SITE_ID=$(</tmp/

    Then run docker with the environment variable:

    docker run ... --env SITE_ID

    And then in your Logstash configuration, you can reference the variable like this:

    mutate {
        id => "site"
        add_field => {
            "[flow][policy_violation]" => "false"
            "[flow][threat]" => "false"
            "[flow][site_id]" => "${SITE_ID}"