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React-native Flatlist doesn't list my json local file

I met an issue with my Flatlist in Board.js which doesn't display the content of a json data located inside a file BoardData.js.

However I ve console.log the import of the BoardData and seems the json isfine.But when Istart to read on some data via the flat list. the data are undefined.

See my BoardData.js file :

var BoardData = [

        "status": "declared",
        "date": "03-DEC-2019",
        "category": "Fuite d'eau",
        "event_info": "Contact du Plombier",
        "adress": "2 rue de la queuleuleu, 31200 Toulouse",
        "imageUrl": ""

        "status": "run",
        "date": "12-JAN-2020",
        "category": "eclairage",
        "event_info": "Contact du Plombier",
        "adress": "3 impasse alphonse-daudet, 31700 Blagnac",
        "imageUrl": "../data/photo/photo_234459.jpg"
        "status": "declared",
        "date": "20-FEB-2020",
        "category": "chaussee",
        "event_info": "Contact du Plombier",
        "adress": "50 avenue de Fronton, 31140 Aucamville",
        "imageUrl": "../data/photo/photo_458049.jpg"

        "status": "closed",
        "date": "04-DEC-2019",
        "category": "Poubelle",
        "event_info": "Contact du Plombier",
        "adress": "3 rue de la queuleuleu, 31200 Toulouse",
        "imageUrl": "../data/photo/photo_123456.webp"

        "status": "closed",
        "date": "13-JAN-2020",
        "category": "Ascenceur",
        "event_info": "Contact du Plombier",
        "adress": "4 impasse alphonse-daudet, 31700 Blagnac",
        "imageUrl": "../data/photo/photo_234459.jpg"

        "status": "run",
        "date": "21-FEB-2020",
        "category": "chaussee",
        "event_info": "Contact du Plombier",
        "adress": "52 avenue de Fronton, 31140 Aucamville",
        "imageUrl": "../data/photo/photo_458049.jpg"


module.exports = BoardData;

Then see my code to render my FlatList:

import React, { Component } from 'react';
import {
    FlatList, ScrollView, StyleSheet, Platform, View, Image, Dimensions, TouchableOpacity,
  } from 'react-native';

import {Card, CardItem, Left, Right, Thumbnail, Title, Subtitle} from 'native-base';

import BoardData from '../data/BoardData.js'

console.log ('BoardData : ', BoardData)

export default class BoardScreen extends Component {

        this.state = {
            boarderstatus: 'declared',
            myCases: [],



    componentDidMount () {
        this.setState({myCases:BoardData })


    // Synchronization concerning the gesture
    async setBoarder(value){

        console.log("SETBoarder value : " + value)
        this.setState({boarderstatus:value })
        console.log("SETBoarder boarderstatus : " + value)


if (item.category === this.state.boarderstatus)
            return (

                <TouchableOpacity styles={style.btn}>


                            <Block left style={{top:-15, left:5}}>







    render() {
        return (

                        renderItem={(item, index) => this.renderCard(item, index)}



  • Ok Fix :

    Just instance BoardData json object to BoardData here is the code:

    <FlatList data={BoardData.BoardData}
              renderItem={(item, index) => this.renderCard(item, index)}/>