Have an if statement to calculate % increase/decrease within numbers inputted.
If NewPayRate > 100 Then
NewPayRate = NewPayRate / HrsPerYr
End If
the purpose of this is if someone enters a $/hr figure and a new payrate is annualized, it would convert the new pay rate to an hourly figure and accurately show the % increase.
when I add the above IF statement, I get this:
The sections in yellow shouldn't be displaying that, it's clearly wrong. What am i missing? Rest of code:
Private Sub txtNewPayRate_Change()
Const HrsPerYr As Long = 2080 'Work Hours in Year
Dim CurrentPayRate As Double, NewPayRate As Double
Dim PercentChange As Double
On Error Resume Next
CurrentPayRate = CDbl(Me.txtCurrentPayRate) 'current hourly/annual pay
NewPayRate = CDbl(Me.txtNewPayRate) 'new hourly/annual pay
If NewPayRate > 100 Then
NewPayRate = NewPayRate / HrsPerYr
End If
PercentChange = (NewPayRate - CurrentPayRate) / CurrentPayRate
txtPercentage.Value = Format(PercentChange, "0.00%")
If Me.cmbHourlyAnnual = "Hourly" Then
Me.txtNewHourlyPay = Format(NewPayRate, "0.00")
Me.txtNewAnnualPay = CStr(NewPayRate * HrsPerYr)
ElseIf Me.cmbHourlyAnnual = "Annual" Then
Me.txtNewHourlyPay = Format(NewPayRate / HrsPerYr, "0.00")
Me.txtNewAnnualPay = CStr(NewPayRate)
End If
End Sub
I would convert everything to hourly and go from there
Private Sub txtNewPayRate_Change()
Dim rawCurrentPayRate As Double
Dim hrlyCurrentPayRate As Double
Dim hrlyNewPayRate As Double
Const HrsPerYr As Long = 2080 'Work Hours in Year
rawCurrentPayRate = CDbl(Me.txtCurrentPayRate.Value)
If CDbl(Me.txtNewPayRate.Value) < 100 Then
hrlyNewPayRate = CDbl(Me.txtNewPayRate.Value)
hrlyNewPayRate = CDbl(Me.txtNewPayRate.Value) / HrsPerYr
End If
If Me.cmbHourlyAnnual = "Hourly" Then
hrlyCurrentPayRate = rawCurrentPayRate
hrlyCurrentPayRate = rawCurrentPayRate / HrsPerYr
End If
Me.txtNewHourlyPay = Format(hrlyNewPayRate, "0.00")
Me.txtNewAnnualPay = Format(hrlyNewPayRate * HrsPerYr, "#,##0.00")
Me.txtPercentage = Format((hrlyNewPayRate - hrlyCurrentPayRate) / hrlyCurrentPayRate, "0.00%")
End Sub