I have an API controller for performing autosaves on an application I am developing. It uses the same viewmodel as the view, which has a number of required fields. The autosave controller may need to save a model that is not considered valid if the user has not completed the form when it is saved. By default, an .NET Core controller declared with the [ApiController]
attribute will automatically force validation. I know I can disable this like so in Startup.cs
services.Configure<ApiBehaviorOptions>(options =>
options.SuppressModelStateInvalidFilter = true;
But this will apply to all API controllers in the project. Is it possible to disable this default validation for only one controller or action? Everything I've found so far has directed me to use the code above, but that doesn't accomplish what I'm looking for.
I would suggest you to approach this differently: Disabling the model validation will mean that there isn’t any validation for this action; not now, not later. Just because you do not require validation right now that doesn’t mean that you won’t need some kind of validation later on.
If you used some custom handling to disable the validation altogether for that action, then all you are doing is creating an actual exception into your application which will make it more complex. Developers looking at this later might not expect this behavior and could spend a good amount of time trying to figure out why the validation isn’t running when it’s working for every other action.
So instead, consider just duplicating the model so that each action has its own model: Action A has the original model with the validation attributes, requiring the values to be filled. And action B has a copy of that model without any validation attributes.
While this may seem wasteful, this does give you a few more benefits: