I am trying to change the loading logo of babylon js however all the tutorials and documentation I found on the official website are not working for me.
I am using a basic babylon viewer using
<babylon id="babylon-viewer" model="mymodel.gltf" templates.main.params.fill-screen="true" observers.on-scene-init="globalSceneInitCallback"></babylon>
and some other javascript to control the camera.
I believe there is a simple way how to just change the loading-image, but cannot figure it out!
Regards and thanks
To change the default values of the babylon viewer's loading screen, you will need to modify the loading screen's template.
The configuration object looks like this:
loadingScreen: {
html: loadingScreen,
params: {
backgroundColor: "#000000",
loadingImage: images.loading,
staticLoadingImage: images.staticLoading
Just as you changed the fillScreen's parameter of the main template, you can change on of those 3 parameters - background color, loading image, and (better - OR) static loading image. Something along the lines of this:
<babylon id="babylon-viewer" model="mymodel.gltf" templates.loading-screen.params.loadingImage="http://LINK-TO-IMAGE" templates.main.params.fill-screen="true" observers.on-scene-init="globalSceneInitCallback"></babylon>
<babylon id="babylon-viewer" model="mymodel.gltf" observers.on-scene-init="globalSceneInitCallback">
<params loadingImage="IMAGEURL">