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How to change text in widget using c++

I have widget dialogBottom with element Text and I need to change it's text in c++. As I understand, if I use meta word, then I can write the name of widget and access it's variables by creating variables with the same name in code. But by some reason variable Name is always null


class HOME_API AAct_31 : public AActor

  UPROPERTY(BlueprintReadOnly, meta = (dialogBottom))
  class UTextBlock* Name = nullptr;

  virtual void Tick(float DeltaTime) override;


void AAct_31::BeginPlay()
  if (Name)
    char* t1 = "text1";
    FText t2 = FText::FromString(ANSI_TO_TCHAR(t1));

enter image description here


  • As far as I know, if you want to change the text of a text block widget within a widget in C++, then you need to make a class of type UUserWidget and parent your widget blueprint with this class. And then in this class, you can call GetWidgetFromName to get specific widgets like so,

    // assuming that the native construct is overridden in the header file
    void UCustomWidget::NativeConstruct() {
        // assuming that RandomTextBlock is defined in the header file and is of type UTextBlock*
        RandomTextBlock = (UTextBlock*)GetWidgetFromName(TEXT("Name_Of_TextBlock"));
        RandomTextBlock->SetText(FText::FromString("Random String"));