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How to use UNION ALL in GeoServer CQL Filter?

Basically I want to combine 2 cql filters of the same layer and output the result on my geoserver layer. It is similar to this SQl query (my case using PostgreSQL):

select * from table1 where val = 'a'
union all  // union all means keeps duplicate
select * from table1 where val = 'b'  

I tried using the cql_filter as below but didnt work

cql_filter="val"='a' union "val"='b'

I dont find the cql_filter union function (not union of geometries) in as well. What is the proper way to use UNION ALL likewise the SQL query in GeoServer cql filter?


  • You can use or to join your filters:

     cql_filter="val"='a' or "val"='b'